Elliot Diringer, Kelly Wanser
July 13, 2020
Elliot Diringer
June 30, 2020
Tags Carbon PricingRegulationEnergyClimate InnovationClean EnergyCongressEmissions
This report outlines a comprehensive agenda for decarbonizing the U.S. economy by 2050, with an emphasis on priority actions needed over the coming decade. This agenda was developed in close consultation with leading companies in key sectors through the Center …
The following was published in Nature magazine on June 14, 2017. (Download PDF) It was perhaps inevitable that Donald Trump would stand on the White House lawn to proclaim that the United States was quitting the Paris Agreement, our best …
The following appeared in the September 2016 edition of Climate 2020, A UNA-UK publication providing analysis and recommendations on fulfilling the Paris Agreement on climate change Even before the landmark Paris Agreement has formally become international law, it’s clear …
Fridtjof Nansen Institute Climate Policy Perspectives 13 October 2014 A primary goal of the Durban Platform negotiations should be to develop an agreement that will maximize reductions in greenhouse gas emissions over time. Achieving this objective will be a function …
Elliot Diringer
September 19, 2014
This paper explores options for a hybrid approach in the 2015 agreement, focusing in particular on mitigation efforts, rather than the broader array of issues under consideration in the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform (ADP), such as …
The international community is in the midst of shaping the next stage of the global climate effort—working both within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and through the broader “regime complex” that has grown alongside it. Within …
In 2011, parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) opened a new round of negotiations aimed at delivering a global climate agreement in late 2015 in Paris. The decision launching the Durban Platform talks spelled out some …
Read Elliot Diringer’s article in Nature on the potential path forward for international climate talks. Below is a brief summary. With the failure in recent years of international attempts to deliver a binding treaty on emissions reductions, individual countries are …
Elliot Diringer
June 25, 2013
This commentary was originally published by Nature A preoccupation with binding commitments blocks progress in the global effort against climate change. It’s time to correct course, says Elliot Diringer. When governments gather for another round of United Nations (UN) climate …
The 2009 Copenhagen climate summit may in retrospect prove a critical turning point in the evolution of the international climate change effort. For a decade and a half, the principal aim under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) …
This article originally appeared in Carbon Finance. The aftermath of December’s Copenhagen talks shows that a new approach to international climate policy is needed to reach a post-2012 climate deal, says Elliot Diringer. The popular view around the world …
This article originally appeared in The Huffington Post. Many thanks to the Huffington Post and Betsy Taylor for helping to advance an absolutely critical debate on the urgent need for a strong, effective international climate change agreement. In that …
This article was first published by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Transatlantic Climate Policy Group. After years of stalemate in the international climate negotiations, the inauguration of a new U.S. president presents an opportunity for a genuine breakthrough. Both John McCain …
This article is draft version of a chapter in the forthcoming book, Development in the Balance: How Will the World’s Poor Cope with Climate Change?, to be published by the Brookings Institution Press. A successful post-2012 climate agreement must …
With the approach of 2012, and the expiration of the initial greenhouse gas targets under the KyotoProtocol, governments are grappling with how best to advance the international climate effort in the years beyond. The central challenge is as clear as …
This article originally appeared in The Globalist, July 2007. American exceptionalism is becoming an increasingly potent force in U.S. environmental policymaking. As Eileen Claussen and Elliot Diringer argue, the United States must encourage and tap those elements of U.S. …
This article originally appeared in The Globalist, July 2007. U.S. policymaking has long been influenced by a sense of exceptionalism, or divinely blessed uniqueness. As Eileen Claussen and Elliot Diringer argue, the United States is indeed exceptional when it …
This paper elaborates on the concept of policy-based commitments as one component of a post-2012 climate framework. As conceived here, the policy-based approach would be an avenue for developing countries in particular to put forward national policies of their choosing …
This article originally appeared in Harvard International Review, July 2007. For years, despite a steady accumulation of science showing the clear and present dangers of global climate change, efforts toward an effective international response have been at a virtual …
This report examines options for future international efforts to help vulnerable countries adapt to the impacts of climate change both within and outside the climate framework. Options outlined in the report include stronger funding and action under the UN …
The report is a compilation of six “think pieces” on core issues in developing an effective international response to global climate change. Working drafts of the papers were the focus of workshops in China, Germany, and Mexico. More than 100 …
Opinion Editorial The Climate Challenge Begins at Home The Washington Post Now that the rest of the world has resolved to move ahead with the Kyoto global warming treaty, pressure is mounting on the Bush administration to get back …
Opinion Editorial Foes of Global Warming Could Thank George Bush San Francisco Chronicle Suddenly, things are looking up in the fight against global warming. While the United States may want nothing to do with the Kyoto Protocol, the rest of …