Climate Solutions

Cutting carbon emissions takes smart policies, innovative technologies, business leadership, and simple steps to shrink our own carbon footprint. Other solutions focus on strengthening our climate resilience.

Carbon Capture


Climate-Proofing the Grid: Strategies for Grid Modernization and Climate Resilience


Tackling Flood Mitigation with Federal Resources: Best Practices for Community Resilience

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Business Leadership

Major companies across the economy are demonstrating climate leadership by reducing their emissions, developing innovative low-carbon technologies, and supporting more ambitious government policies.

Fact Sheet: Corporate Low-Carbon Transition Planning: Best Practices & Recommendations to Support Credible Action

This fact sheet summarizes the Corporate Low-Carbon Transition Planning: Best Practices & Recommendations to Support Credible Action report. With this project and report, the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) aims to support and accelerate the development of low-carbon transition …

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Corporate Low-Carbon Transition Planning: Best Practices & Recommendations to Support Credible Action

Thousands of companies have set ambitious, interim 2030 carbon reduction goals and pledged net-zero emissions by 2050. Yet, some stakeholders are skeptical, suggesting corporate net-zero goals are no more than greenwashing. The United Nations High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) report Integrity …

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Planning for Change: Insights on the State of Real Economy Corporate Transition Planning

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Technology Solutions

Achieving a true low-carbon transition requires an array of innovative technologies, including renewable energy, alternative vehicles, advanced nuclear power, and carbon capture, use and storage.

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Resilience Solutions

Even as we work to avoid worse impacts in the future, the public and private sectors must act now to strengthen our resilience to the unavoidable impacts of warming that’s already underway.

Unlocking Community Resilience: Innovative Strategies to Access Climate Adaptation Funding

Community efforts to adapt to the physical impacts of climate change are lagging despite unprecedented financing available for resilience in the United States. Local and state governments and organizations are pioneering approaches to address key challenges and improve community access …

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Working Principles for Corporate Climate Resilience Leadership

As part of a new initiative to catalyze corporate climate resilience leadership, C2ES, Resilience Rising, and Resilience First, have engaged cross-sector stakeholders—including businesses, NGOs, and resilience-focused organizations—to develop guiding principles that reflect how companies can demonstrate leadership in advancing resilience …

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Climate Resilience Pathways: Catalyzing Private Sector Action

Businesses’ ability to adapt to climate change is a strategic imperative. Yet, despite the growing need to manage and respond to climate risks, a staggering 80% of companies lack a comprehensive plan for climate adaptation. This gap is a call …

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Solutions Stories

These on-the-ground stories highlight the many innovative ways cities, states and businesses are working together to expand clean energy, reduce emissions, and strengthen climate resilience.

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Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

We all can take steps at home, at work and getting around to ease global warming by reducing our personal carbon footprint. On these pages, you can learn how.

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