Carbon Pricing

U.S. State Carbon Pricing Policies

Compared to command-and-control regulations, carbon pricing is a market-based mechanism that creates financial incentives to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Twelve states that are home to over a quarter of the U.S. population and account for a third of U.S. …

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Blog Post
U.S. Takes Another Important Step Towards Improved Climate and Trade Policy
Carbon Border Adjustment Provisions in the 118th Congress

Carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAM) are an emerging set of trade policy tools that aim to prevent carbon-intensive economic activity from moving out of jurisdictions with relatively stringent climate policies and into those with relatively less stringent policies. Border adjustments …

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Carbon Border Adjustments
RGGI states

Last Updated May 2024.

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Carbon Pricing Proposals in the 118th Congress

There are various market-based approaches to pricing carbon (e.g., carbon tax, cap and trade, clean energy standard). All of these approaches can reduce emissions cost-effectively while driving clean energy innovation. This factsheet compares two carbon tax proposals introduced in the …

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The Clean Edge: Understanding the impact of border adjustments on U.S. competitiveness
Reaching for 2030: Climate and Energy Policy Priorities

The need to address climate change remains urgent. Over the past 15 months, the U.S. Congress has passed meaningful legislation that has the potential to dramatically reduce emissions, and—importantly—allow the United States to lead in accelerating the global transition toward …

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What does the COP26 Outcome on Article 6 Mean for Non-Party Stakeholders?

Article 6 of the Paris Agreement established a framework for countries to cooperate in achieving their climate commitments (nationally determined contributions, NDCs), using market mechanisms to enable greater ambition than they could achieve independently. The Paris Agreement implementing guidance finalized …

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Blog Post
SEC proposed rule would mainstream climate-related risk reporting