Statement of Bob Perciasepe
President, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
July 23, 2018
On today’s introduction of carbon pricing legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives:
We hear consistently from companies that a price on carbon is the most effective way to decarbonize our economy. It’s very encouraging to see this market-based approach once again drawing bipartisan support in Congress. The Market Choice Act offers Congress an excellent starting point for crafting a sensible, market-based climate solution. It demonstrates the potential fiscal benefits of a carbon price, protects low-income families, and offers a promising way to balance pricing and regulatory approaches to ensure strong climate benefits. We commend Congressman Curbelo for introducing the Market Choice Act. We and members of our Business Environmental Leadership Council look forward to working with him to move this vital conversation forward.
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About C2ES: The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to forge practical solutions to climate change. Our mission is to advance strong policy and action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote clean energy, and strengthen resilience to climate impacts. Learn more at