
Carbon Border Adjustment Provisions in the 118th Congress

Carbon border adjustment mechanisms (CBAM) are an emerging set of trade policy tools that aim to prevent carbon-intensive economic activity from moving out of jurisdictions with relatively stringent climate policies and into those with relatively less stringent policies. Border adjustments …

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Carbon Border Adjustments: Considerations for Policymakers

Carbon border adjustments, also referred to as “carbon border adjustment mechanisms” (CBAM), are an emerging set of trade policy tools that aim to prevent carbon-intensive economic activity from moving out of jurisdictions with relatively stringent climate policies and into those …

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Investing in Arizona’s Future: Driving Equitable, Low-carbon Economic Growth

The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions is hosting a series of regional roundtables to bring together local, state, and federal policymakers; businesses of all sizes; community organizations; leading academics and issue experts; trade associations; investors; and philanthropy. These conversations …

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Outcomes of the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow

At the 26th annual UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP) in Glasgow, Scotland, governments struggled bitterly over the final text of an agreement, including how to deliver on “ambition,” the phasing out of coal …

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