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Clean Transition Tariffs: An innovative way to accelerate power sector emission reductions
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Investing in long duration energy storage could take Virginia’s energy transition to new peaks
Fueling a Low-Carbon Biofuel Future in Minnesota
The United States is the top biofuel producer in the world, with the Midwest generating hundreds of millions of barrels of ethanol and tens of millions of barrels of biodiesel annually. As a top-five producer of ethanol and biodiesel in …
Firing Up Clean Hydrogen in Texas
As a global energy leader and the ninth-largest economy in the world, Texas is well-positioned to play a leading role in hydrogen market development in the United States and globally. Texas has unique local characteristics that may enhance the state’s …
C2ES Comments on Proposed EPA Power Plant Rule
Comments of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions on New Source Performance Standards for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from New, Modified, and Reconstructed Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating …
Securing Louisiana’s Role in the Offshore Wind Industry
Decades of experience in offshore energy have positioned Louisiana to play a significant role in growing the U.S. offshore wind industry. Louisiana’s workforce and expertise can be leveraged to facilitate wind projects in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as …
Manufacturing a Decarbonized Future in Southwestern Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania is called the Keystone State for a reason: For centuries, the state—and Southwestern Pennsylvania, in particular—has been critical to producing the energy and goods that helped build the nation, including coal, steel, aluminum, and glass. The heavy industrial and …