Bob Perciasepe on the replacement of the Clean Power Plan

Statement of Bob Perciasepe

President, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions 

August 21, 2018

On today’s announced replacement of the Clean Power Plan:

“The power industry in the United States is in the midst of a transition to cleaner energy and well on its way to achieving the targets of the Clean Power Plan. EPA is now proposing a plan that will essentially be ignored by most of the industry. The Administration’s proposal aims to counter prevailing market forces with the sole aim of extending the lives of America’s most-polluting power plants. The proposal, out for public comment, is out of step with where the industry is going and with what its consumers and markets are demanding. When you consider this reality along with the recent proposed freeze on vehicle standards, we find a federal government simply out of step with the reality on the ground and a missed opportunity to help rather than hinder. With the growth of renewable generation and natural gas, there’s no benefit in sending mixed signals to American businesses and fighting against the market forces that make low-carbon power alternatives attractive.

“We need a federal government that will help facilitate the clean energy transition already underway, not confuse it. The 2009 endangerment finding on the risks of climate change cements the role of the federal government in regulating greenhouse gases. While the announced replacement sustains that finding, it creates a troublesome system of uncertainty, ignores the transition already underway, and creates a patchwork of state standards. It is virtually guaranteeing a foreseeable prospect of stagnating litigation.”

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About C2ES: The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to forge practical solutions to climate change. Our mission is to advance strong policy and action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote clean energy, and strengthen resilience to climate impacts. Learn more at