Bob Perciasepe on the confirmation of Jennifer Granholm as Secretary of the Department of Energy

Statement of Bob Perciasepe

President, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

February 25, 2021

On the confirmation of Jennifer Granholm as Secretary of the Department of Energy:

“Jennifer Granholm brings tremendous experience and demonstrated leadership to the Department of Energy (DOE). Research and development at DOE, in close partnership with the private sector, can revitalize the U.S. economy and re-establish American leadership in the global clean energy transition. Granholm’s arrival at DOE comes at a transformative juncture as we work to expand renewables and transmission infrastructure and consider the integral role of carbon capture and existing zero-emission nuclear in our clean energy future.

“Her Michigan roots as former Governor, also tie her closely to the car manufacturing industry and its suppliers, as well as the people who live and work in communities that rely on the long-term sustainable success of the manufacturing industry. Decarbonizing transportation is key to that success, and Secretary Granholm understands that opportunity as well as anyone.”

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About C2ES: The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES) is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to forge practical solutions to climate change. Our mission is to advance strong policy and action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote clean energy, and strengthen resilience to climate impacts. Learn more at