One of the central issues in the international climate change negotiations is the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) of countries’ mitigation actions and of support for developing country efforts.
In order to contribute to broader understanding of these issues, the Pew Center on Global Climate Change and Tsinghua University co-hosted an informal workshop on reporting practices related to climate change and other international challenges on October 11 in Beijing.
The workshop focused on four topics: domestic MRV of mitigation efforts in China and the United States; MRV of support; reporting and review processes in other multilateral regimes such as the WTO, the IMF, and the Montreal Protocol; and lessons for international MRV of climate action. Participants included experts and representatives of multilateral institutions, NGOs and government ministries. The agenda and presentations are provided below.
Pew Center on Global Climate Change
and Tsinghua University
October 11, 2010
Beijing, China
- Elliot Diringer, Vice President for International Strategies, Pew Center
- He Jiankun, Director of Low Carbon Energy Lab, Tsinghua University;
Vice President for Expert Panel on Climate Change
Domestic MRV Practices and Challenges
- China: Teng Fei, Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University
- U.S.: Clare Breidenich, Independent Consultant
MRV of Climate Support
- Jane Ellis, Principal Analyst – Climate Change, OECD
Multilateral Reporting and Review
- IMF: Il Houng Lee, Senior Resident Representative – Beijing Office, IMF
- WTO: Lu Xiaojie, Law School of Tsinghua University
- Montreal Protocol: Sheng Shuo Lang, former Deputy Chief Officer of the Multilateral Fund
Lessons for International MRV
- Elliot Diringer, Vice President for International Strategies, Pew Center
- Teng Fei, Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University
Overview Document: Key Features of Selected Multilateral Review Processes