While the path ahead for the Build Back Better agenda remains in question, the urgency of bold and timely action to address climate change is clear. The Build Back Better agenda includes more than $500 billion in climate-related investments to cut U.S. emissions in line with our 2030 NDC and help domestic industries capitalize on rapidly growing markets for low-carbon goods. Despite uncertainty surrounding prospects for the agenda’s passage, businesses have remained vocal in their support for these crucial climate and energy provisions.
We are pleased to invite you to this fireside discussion featuring Joseph Dominguez, CEO of Constellation Energy, and C2ES President Nat Keohane on the business imperative for ambitious climate legislation and how low-carbon investments can help the United States build a clean energy future.

Nat Keohane
President, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
Nathaniel Keohane is President of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES), which is widely recognized in the United States and internationally as a leading, independent voice for practical policy and action to address the world’s energy and climate challenges. Dr. Keohane is an economist with more than 20 years…

Joseph Dominguez
CEO, Constellation
Joseph Dominguez is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Constellation, which employs 14,000 workers, has generating capacity of more than 32,400 megawatts and serves more than 20 million homes and businesses with clean energy. With revenues of more than $17 billion and total assets of $49 billion, Constellation comprises…