Plug-in Electric Vehicles Market: State of Play

Nearly all major auto companies—as well as several new start-ups—plan to produce plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) within the next 2 or 3 years. According to transportation experts, the impact of the growing PEV market on the automobile market, electrical grid, and the transportation system could be significant, and will vary both regionally and over time. The introduction of PEVs into the automobile market presents a transformative opportunity for the transportation sector. Wherever these vehicles exist in sufficient numbers, significant technological, economic, and environmental change will occur. This opportunity affects automakers, electricity providers, vehicle charging companies, battery manufacturers, all levels of government and, most importantly, consumers. Deploying PEVs will bring together many of these stakeholders for the first time. This paper outlines the state of play in the PEV market including ongoing deployment projects, expected consumer market demand, and public policies related to PEV deployment.