COP27: The Mitigation Work Programme & The Ministerial Roundtable

To be most effective, the Mitigation Work Programme (MWP) could usefully aim to: 

  • generate discussions that are facilitative, constructive, innovative, and catalytic 
  • be inclusive and ensure a diversity of participation, including by policymakers and implementers 
  • generate clear signals in support of national processes and be of practical use to domestic policymaking 
  • explore, elucidate, and highlight the greatest, most cost-effective and scalable mitigation opportunities/ potential, as well as enable practical pathways to help countries implement their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and identify scope for enhanced action, including by: 
    • hosting thematic workshops 
    • sharing best practices and lessons learned, including in relation to overcoming challenges to scaling and implementing enhanced mitigation action, also encompassing a focus on non-cost barriers 
    • considering sectoral approaches 
    • effectively involving non-Party stakeholders (NPS) and the High Level Climate Champions (HLCs) and drawing on their work (e.g., Climate Action Pathways and 2030 Breakthroughs) 
    • considering a regional approach 
    • developing a menu of exemplar best practices and approaches 
  • track progress against commitments made by Parties and NPS outside of formal multilateral process and explore how they might form part of NDC updates 
  • address issues of equity and sustainable development 
  • explore synergies with adaptation 
  • take into account and be based on the latest science 
  • involve external expertise, as appropriate