An earlier paper, Climate Data: Insights and Observations, presented a range of climate-related data relevant to the consideration of future international efforts to address global climate change. It provided data primarily at the global and national levels, with particular focus on the 25 countries with the largest total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
This note supplements that paper, taking a closer look at data by sector, again with a focus on major emitters. It presents sector-specific data by country and, for some sectors, identifies leading producers and manufacturers.
As with the previous paper, a number of caveats apply:
- This paper represents a preliminary effort to compile climate-relevant sectoral data. Some of the methodologies employed are being refined. Improved data and further analysis will be available in forthcoming work by the authors.
- Much of the data are dated and the years are inconsistent, with both national and industry information often coming from different sources and years (ranging from 1995 to 2003).
- The data are incomplete. Data on the OECD countries are generally more comprehensive (and likely more accurate) than data on developing countries. Industry data are primarily from industry association sources, and have not been independently verified.
- Data may not be comparable. Generally, this paper uses the sector definitions established in the IPCC Guidelines. In some cases, however, data is presented using different definitions. This is due to inconsistencies in the underlying data sources used.